
Coronavirus and a new normal

Hey everyone

I know most people are probably sick of hearing and reading and talking about Coronavirus (otherwise known as Covid – 19) but I just wanted to share my thoughts and feelings on it.

Coronavirus first came to light at the end of 2019 and has quickly become a worldwide problem closing whole countries down to stop the spread.
Britain bought the lockdown measure in from March 2020.
I will be doing a seperate post on what Covid -19 is and what the lockdown entails – will link once done.

Both my parents and myself developed symptoms of the virus on March 27th and it is one of the worst illnesses I have ever had. For 2 weeks all we were doing was sleeping. We had no appetite, no energy – we didn’t leave the house for those 2 weeks not even for shopping, luckily we had a neighbour that could get our essentials. It was a really slow recovery and we felt the effects of it for around 3 weeks in total.

The lockdown has impacted hugely on my life:
People originally began panic buying so the shops reduced their hours to try to restock. There is also a 2m distancing rule so only certain amount of people allowed inside stores at any one time – this has resulted in having to queue to go shopping so going less often and having to make sure we plan properly for each shopping trip.
I am also now at home all day due to being furloughed from my job.
I’ve not been able to see my brothers or nieces and nephews since the lockdown began. We are celebrating things at home – like easter, birthdays, anniversaries,etc.

The worse part is that the lockdown has also meant that I’ve not been able to see my boyfriend for the last month due to us not living together – part of the lockdown is no visiting between households.
We have been together for 7 months now and until the lockdown we were together at work all day then seeing each other – going out,etc – on the evenings. Now all we have are phone calls, messages and video chats.
We are lucky that even though we have only been together a short time we have a really strong and deep connection and love so we know that our relationship will survive and if anything be stronger than before.

There are some plus sides to the lockdown – I have been able to spend more time building my business up due to being home from my day job, more time to relax and do the things I enjoy – reading, jigsaw puzzles, organising the house plus lots more baking and cooking. I have also taken up running again after a 9 month gap.

I know that this is affecting millions of people worldwide and each in their own way but it is hard not being allowed to do what you want when you want to. Hopefully if people abide by the rules then the lockdown will be able to be relaxed soon so that people can see their loved ones again.

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